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CNC Machinist
Intro To Workholding
Supporting & Locating Principles
Locating Devices
Clamping Basics
Chucks, Collets & Vises
Fixture Body Construction
Fixture Design Basics
Drill Bushing Selection
Math Fundamentals
Math: Fractions & Decimals
Units of Measurement
BluePrint Reading
Algebra Fundamentals
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Geometry: Lines & Angles
Geometry: Triangles
Geometry: Circles & Polygons
Trigonometry: The Pythagorean Theorem
Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent
Trigonometry: Sine Bar Applications
Basic Measurement
Calibration Fundamentals
Hole Standards & Inspection
Thread Standards & Inspection
Surface Texture & Inspection
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Introduction to GD&T
Major Rules of GD&T
Inspecting with Optical Comparators
Inspecting with CMM's
In-Line Inspection Applications
Machining & Stamping
Press Basics
Manual Mill Basics
Engine Lathe Basics
Manual Mill Setup
Overview of Engine Lathe Setup
Benchwork & Layout Operations
Manual Mill Operation
Holemaking on the Manual Mill
Threading on the Engine Lathe
Taper Turning on the Engine Lathe
Introduction to CNC Machines
Basics of the CNC Lathe
Basics of the CNC Mill
Coordinates for the CNC Lathe
Coordinates for the CNC Mill
Basics of G Code Programming
Introduction to CAD & CAM for Machining
Control Panel Functions for the CNC Lathe
Control Panel Functions for the CNC Mill
Offsets on the CNC Lathe
Offsets on the CNC Mill
Creating a CNC Turning Program
Creating a CNC Milling Program
Turning Calculations
Calculations for Programming the Mill
Canned Cycles for the Lathe
Canned Cycles for the Mill
Canned Cycles for the Mill
CNC Specs for the Mill
CNC Specs for the Lathe
Haas Mill - Control Panel Overview
Haas Lathe - Control Panel Overview
Haas Mill - Entering Offsets
Haas Lathe - Entering Offsets
Haas Mill - Locating Program Zero
Haas Lathe - Locating Program Zero
Haas Mill - Program Execution
Haas Lathe - Program Execution
Haas Mill - Program Storage
Haas Lathe - Program Storage
Haas Mill - First Part Runs
Haas Lathe - First Part Runs
Fanuc Mill - Control Panel Overview
Fanuc Lathe - Control Panel Overview
Fanuc Mill - Entering Offsets
Fanuc Lathe - Entering Offsets
Fanuc Mill - Locating Program Zero
New Lecture
Fanuc Lathe - Locating Program Zero
Fanuc Mill - Program Execution
Fanuc Lathe - Program Execution
Fanuc Mill - Program Storage
Fanuc Lathe - Program Storage
Fanuc Mill - First Part Runs
Fanuc Lathe - First Part Runs
Mazak Mill - Control Panel Overview
Mazak Lathe - Control Panel Overview
Mazak Mill - Locating Program Zero
Mazak Lathe - Locating Program Zero
Mazak Mill - Entering Offsets
Mazak Lathe - Entering Offsets
Creating an EIA/ISO Program for the Mazak Mill
Creating an EIA/ISO Program for the Mazak Lathe
Creating a Mazatrol Program for the Mill
Creating a Mazatrol Program for the Lathe
Mazak Mill: Program Execution
Mazak Lathe: Program Execution
Mazak Mill: Program Storage
Mazak Lathe: Program Storage
Mazak Mill: First Part Runs
Mazak Lathe: First Part Runs
Intro to OSHA
Personal Protective Equipment
Noise Reduction & Hearing Conservation
Respiratory Protection
LockOut/Tagout Procedures
SDS & Hazard Communication
Bloodborne Pathogens
Walking & Working Surfaces
Fire Safety & Protection
Flammable/Combustible Liquids
Hand & Power Tool Safety
Safety For Lifting Devices
Powered Industrial Truck Safety
Confined Spaces
Environmental Safety Hazards
Machine Guarding
Safety for Electrical Work
Introduction To Physical Properties
Introduction to Mechanical Properties
Introduction to Metals
Metal Manufacturing
Classification of Steel
Essentials of Heat Treatment of Steel
Hardness Testing
Ferrous Metals
Nonferrous Metals
Exotic Alloys
Metal Cutting
Cutting Processes
Safety for Metal Cutting
Overview of Machine Tools
Basic Cutting Theory
Band Saw Operation
Introduction to Metal Cutting Fluids
Metal Cutting Fluid Safety
Speed and Feed for the Lathe
Speed and Feed for the Mill
Cutting Tool Materials
Carbide Grade Selection
ANSI Insert Selection
Lathe Tool Geometry
Mill Tool Geometry
Drill Tool Geometry
Toolholders for Turning
Machining Titanium Alloys
Quality & Manufacturing Management
Lean Manufacturing Overview
Essentials of Leadership
Essentials of Communication
ISO 9001:2015 Overview
Continuous Process Improvement: Managing Flow
Continuous Process Improvement: Identifying & Eliminating Waste
Managing Performance: Best Practices
Approaches to Maintenance
Process Design & Development
Managing Performance: Corrective Actions
Production System Design & Development
Basics of Manufacturing Costs
Total Productive Maintenance
Intro To Managerial Accounting
Conflict Resolution Principles
5S Overview
Conflict Resolution for Different Groups
Team Leadership
Cell Design & Pull Systems
Intro To Six Sigma
Quality & Customer Service
Manufacturing Management
Personal Effectiveness
Conducting Kaizen Events
Managing the Diverse Workplace
SPC Overview
Harassment & Discrimination
Interpreting Blueprints
Performance Management & The Law
Metrics For Lean
Fabrication Process
Process Flow Charting
Strategies for Setup Reduction
Value Stream Mapping - The Current State
Six Sigma Goals & Tools
Value Stream Mapping - The Future State
Grinding Processes
Grinding Safety
Basics of the Surface Grinder
Setup For the Surface Grinder
Surface Grinder Operation
Introduction to Grinding Fluids
Grinding Ferrous Metals
Grinding Nonferrous Metals
Grinding Wheel Materials
Grinding Wheel Geometry
Dressing & Truing
Lean Manufacturing Overview
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