Manufacturing to tolerances of thousandths of an inch and greater, it became necessary to create a tool that could measure with such precision- hence, the Caliper was born. It is used in many fields today, such as mechanical engineering, metalworking, forestry, woodworking, science and medicine.
This training will benefit all persons at any level using 'Calipers', including calibration coordinators, inspection personnel, machinists and management. It can serve as a refresher for experienced technicians, or it can be used as part of the orientation process for New Hires.
A straight forward, self paced class showing the basics of how to take measurements using calipers. Included is a breakdown of the gage itself, the different styles of caliper out there, how to read the results and proper care and maintenance for maximum lifespan.
Upon successful completion of the final test a certificate that includes those test results will be issued. This course satisfies a key component of ISO 9001:2015 (7.2 & 7.3) in providing evidence of training completed and competency.
Your Instructor
Melanie Cagle is the Founder and Owner of QualiCal LLC, an ISO 17025 Accredited calibration company servicing all manufacturing operations in the greater Gulf Coast region. Melanie has spent most of her working career in the oilfield. The largest part of her career was in Quality and Safety during which, the most time was spent teaching. She is an accredited and certified calibration technician and is highly knowledgeable about precision measurement and metrology.
Melanie has grown with QualiCal as did her knowledge about Thread Inspection and it actually became a passion. With the growth of QualiCal she wanted to expand the products and services offered to her customer base. Most notable was the increased demand for training classes and demonstrations and so The QualiCal Academy was born.